Sunday, October 19, 2008

Welcome to AYAD volunteer Monica Gray!

Monica Gray, you will be seeing her sitting quietly on her computer busy either in writing or researching onto something. She has a strong commitment to fulfil any tasks given to her. Monica is the newest volunteer from the Australian Youth Ambassador for Development or AYAD program and is working at the Public Relations and Resource Development Department (PR & RD) at the National Office as a Resource Development Associate.

Monica comes with a wide experience in the NGO and public sector. She has been in
India working with Gram Vikas, a non-government organisation in the state of Orissa, where she worked among the Dalit (untouchables) communities.

She has great passion for politics, policy development and international development. We believe she will be able to make a significant contribution to the mission and ministry of HFHIB.

Please join us in welcoming Monica to Habitat Bangladesh. Monica, wish you a happy and memorable stay in Bangladesh.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I worked with Monica in Canberra and she was a joy to work with. I wish her all the best, and would love to get in touch with her. Please pass on my email:

