Monday, March 16, 2009

Korean team from Ewha Women's University visits Bangladesh!

In January 2009, 15 students and 2 teachers from Ewha Women’s University in Korea visited Bangladesh to build with Habitat. The team was here for 10 days in total and worked on build sites in Savar. The volunteers worked tirelessly and with enthusiasm for the whole duration of the build.
The team developed strong relationships with the homeowner 
family, HFHI-B staff, and the local community. They helped in preparing 
bricks for construction; carrying sand, bricks and cement; mixing mortar for 
cementing;laying bricks and cementing the foundation and walls; and, 
digging and leveling the earth at the worksite. They completed their work eagerly while the HFHI-B team ensured 
that all safety measures were being followed correctly.
The team also had an opportunity to visit an orphanage in Savar where they 
donated toys and stationary to the children.

Habitat Bangladesh wishes to thank Ewha Women's University for their 
hard work and enthusiasm while in building Bangladesh!
To learn more about Volunteer opportunities or Global Village, 
please contact Sanjay

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