Sunday, July 27, 2008

Volunteer with Habitat Bangladesh - a message from HFHIB National Director

Greetings from Habitat Bangladesh!

Thank you for taking the opportunity to read through the Habitat Bangladesh volunteers newsletter; volunteers are the lifeblood of our program, allowing us to continue to provide safe, decent, affordable housing to over 1,700 families since 1999. To put that into perspective, since volunteers became a standard part of our operating procedure, Habitat Bangladesh has lifted its capacity to build homes from 14 in the 2000 financial year to over 600 in 2008. That’s a remarkable achievement, which is now reflected in our target of over 700 homes in 2009 alone!

This past year we have been fortunate to welcome 10 Global Village Teams, and host a further 7 Local Volunteer Teams at builds around the country. In addition, our partnership with Christian Aid Ministries for our Cyclone Rehabilitation Project sees us welcoming new groups of volunteers every 2 weeks.

Our Volunteer manager, Prince Sanjay Saha, and his team ensure the safety and comfort of every member of every team; read through some of the testimonials, and you can easily see how we constantly achieve outstanding hosting reports.

From working in villages with the poorest of the poor, playing and sharing with local children, to touring this amazing country, Habitat Bangladesh can offer you a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Our volunteers are not just short term. Currently we have Pierre Johannessen, an Australian Youth Ambassador for Development, working with us in the National Office, completing the 10th month of his year-long commitment to Habitat Bangladesh, while also welcoming a new AYAD, Monica Gray. Pierre has been working with Habitat Bangladesh since September 2007, engaged in all aspects of our work, from Cyclone Assessment and Rehabilitation, to Monitoring and Evaluation, to communications and policy and procedure.

There are many opportunities to be involved with Habitat Bangladesh, it’s as easy as contacting us!

Our internship program is also developing quite quickly. Anna Allen from Singapore joined the team for 3 weeks in June, and currently Maggie DeCosse and Charlene Lee are working with the Resource Development and Public Relations team until August.

I sincerely hope you take advantage of the opportunity to volunteer for Habitat Bangladesh. We look forward to welcoming you soon!

Kelly Koch
National Director
Habitat for Humanity International, Bangladesh
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